Step 1 - Create your community

Raft Tokens – How communities are represented within Otterspace

Setting up a new community

  "name": "Gotham DAO",
  "description": "Otterspace Raft",
  "properties": {
		"parentRaftTokenId": 12345,
		"generation": 2
  "image": "<>"

A raft token is an NFT (ERC-721) that represents your community within Otterspace. Above is the underlying metadata of your community.

Step 2 - Design a badge spec & upload to IPFS

Creating a new Badge for your community

   "name":"First Badge",
   "description":"Otterspace Badge",
    "expiresAt": "2023-07-21T13:57:28.882Z"

Badge are maximally backward compatible with ERC-721 and hence we use NFT metadata to represent the badge spec. The above badge spec on IPFS is uploaded at

Step 3 - Airdrop this badge

Install the contracts

npm -i @otterspace-xyz/otterspace-contracts

Call the airdrop funciton on the contracts to mint an non-consented badge

import { Contract, Signer } from 'ethers'
import Badges from '@otterspace-xyz/contracts/out/Badges.sol/Badges.json' assert { type: 'json' }

const BADGES_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x7F9279B24D1c36Fa3E517041fdb4E8788dc63D25'

const mintBadge = async (
    toAddress: string,
		fromAddress: Signer,
    badgeSpecURI: string
): Promise<ContractCallResult> => {
    const contract = new Contract(BADGES_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, Badges.abi, fromAddress)
    const doAirdrop = contract['airdrop']
    return await doAirdrop([toAddress], badgeSpecURI)

Minting consented badges

Follow same Step 1 & 2 from the above