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A Badge is a digital object that you can give to community members to represent anything you like. Common use cases for Badges include: roles, levels, achievements, skills and awards.

Because Badges are non-transferable NFTs, you can give them utility such as governance power, access permissions or simply for reputation and social credibility in your community.

<aside> 💡 You can use our Badge Factory in Figma to generate Badge art for your community


Creating a Badge

To create a Badge, click the ‘Create Badge’ button on your community’s home page and sign in with the wallet holding your community’s Raft token.

Badge metadata

Currently, Badges have three pieces of metadata: a name, an image, and an expiry date. We’re keeping things simple for now, but please share in Discord if you have any requests for other types of metadata. The Badge expiry date determines on which day the Badge expires - you can enter any day in the future. You can also make your Badge valid forever.

Badge Image

Image Types

→ Background: Add full width color background similar. Similar to NFT platforms like Opensea and LooksRare, your badge will be cropped to add a corner radius within the Otterspace app.

→ No background: Overlay your badge on an alpha transparent png background. We recommend at least 16pixel buffer on each side of your badge.

Image File Types We recommend PNGs with alpha transparency so unwanted backgrounds don't appear, but you can use just about any type of image.

Image File Size → recommended: < 200KB

→ maximum: 100MB

Please note that upload images are neither downscaled nor compressed automatically and will be served to as provided. Large images can massively increase loading times for your badges.

Image Dimensions

→ minimum: 540 x 540 pixels

→ standard: 1080 x 1080 pixels will provide an HD experience within the app

→ max: 2048px by 2048px will make the badge image flexible across multiple platforms and social networks